Welcome to CS 15-759

A Principled Approach to Optimization

About the Course

This is a course giving a rigorous treatment of several topics in the theory of convex optimization. There will be a particular focus on developing intuition for how to analyze many convex optimization processes from first principles. Topics may include: gradient descent, interior point methods, linear regression, linear programming, sparsification, and more.




Class meetings: GHC 4303, 9:30-10:50 TR. Office hours: GHC 5013, 11-12 R.

Obviously, subject to change.
Week Topics Homework Notes
1 Introduction: convexity, linear algebra, and geometry. Linear programming. HW1
2 2 gradient descent, Richardson, smoothness and strong convexity HW1 due 1/24, 11:59PM
3 p gradient descent, smoothness and strong convexity of p-norms, softmax HW2
4 p-norm methods, Bregman divergences HW2 due 2/7, 11:59PM
5 Multiplicative weights and energy boosting for ℓp-regression HW3
6 Speeding up p-norm methods: sparsification HW3 due 2/21, 11:59PM
7 Speeding up p-norm methods: Lewis weights HW4
8 High-accuracy linear programming: potential reduction interior point methods (IPM) HW4 due 3/14, 11:59 PM
9 Path-following interior point methods and self-concordance
10 Lewis weights and IPM: Lee-Sidford barrier
11 Convex geometry: log-concavity, cutting plane methods
12 Acceleration
13 Mirror descent and applications
14 TBD

Additional Resources


For any questions or concerns, please email yangl7@andrew.cmu.edu.